This Months Events

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HWC’s Common Goal

Here is a little information about Humble Whiskey Club (H.W.C.) and a few other frequently asked Questions and Answers.

Our Story.

To tell you about Humble Whiskey Club and how it began you first must know the man behind the alliance that brought the Five Founding members together in the first place.

Don Gregerson was a gentle giant at 6 ‘5’. To say he was a force to be reckoned with is a bit of an understatement. Although his stature was a presence in any room, his voice was confident, assuring, and full of compassion. He was generous, supportive, and never met a stranger. It was those characteristics that placed him at the helm of this motley crew of somewhat strangers. The superpower he possessed, to befriend anyone, helped him build businesses, climb to the top of any corporate ladder, and create trusting relationships with whomever was lucky enough to enjoy a glass of whiskey or wine with his family and him on his back porch.

         Don introduced most of our band of brothers and instilled in each of us the friendship, loyalty, and a sense of responsibility to each other that didn’t exist amongst us before. Sure, we had great friendships, amazing friendships prior to our association, but for us five friends at least, we were all merely cordial acquaintances before Don entered the picture. Don taught us that it isn’t your line of work, ethnic background, political views, or religious beliefs that matter when it comes to being a decent human being. He taught us to be open to the possibility that there are more important things in life than labels. He taught us to connect and befriend. That you don’t always have to be so skeptical of others. Life isn’t about yourself, it’s about the mark you make on this world that truly matters.

         The day that Don shared with us that he had gotten cancer was a dark day for us all indeed, but the true tragedy, the most disparaging thing of all was for the world left behind that would not yet get a chance to meet him. There was so much more he could have shared with so many other people.

The day we laid Don to rest was a truly sorrowful and surreal day. Friends and family gathered at the local bowling alley Don frequented. It was one of Don’s favorite pastimes. Which is why “The Don Shot” Bottle is what it is today. It was at this bowling alley that our group of merely acquainted friends, turned closer than ever friends, reminisced of all the unforgettable things Don had imparted to us. We joked of his wild times at Muddy gras, his sometimes-crazy antics, the way he brightened even the darkest room with his laughter, but most importantly how he brought people together. As I said before, it was a surreal moment in time, we couldn’t believe he no longer was with us. It was at this gathering that the five of us decided that Don’s wish would be for us to continue to come together in friendship. Continue what he had such a monumental hand in creating. It was there, amidst the smell of cigarette smoke and fried food, the sound of bowling pins clanging together in the background, that the Founding Five made a pact. A pact to get together once a month, share a glass of whiskey in his honor, and continue our now adopted tradition of creating friendships. The birth of Humble Whiskey Club had begun.

So, as you attend a Humble Whiskey Club tasting, when you congregate with your fellow HWC brothers, and take that first shot “The Don Shot” in honor of Don, know this. If it had not been for one man, the man standing next to you might never have existed in your life. “Bring like minded, capable men together in fellowship, and a lasting brotherhood will be born”. 


{Guy Jeanes, Founding Member HWC#: 000}

How do I join?

First, you must be invited to a meeting. Once invited bring the specified entry fee/ donation to attend the event. (Side note: The funds collected at each meeting are utilized to provide the nights samples, food, snacks, and other refreshments for the meetings. Funds collected are also allocated to club events, excursions, housing, donations, fundraisers, and charities)

Secondly, you must attend 3  nonconsecutive sanctioned meetings to be considered for membership. Officiating members will then hold a meeting to determine your membership opportunity. If selected, you will then be given the option to join Humble Whiskey Club, NP.

Lastly, our main goal is to support our First Responders, Military and Community. We accomplish this by sharing good times with our friends, enjoying the finer spirits in life, and learning a little bit along the way. That said, always drink responsibly.

How often do you meet?

Typically, meetings are once a month, however, there are those few occasions when emergency meetings must occur or when important decisions must be made. Either way, you will have plenty of notice and a lot of fun!!